Zone-Redundant Load Balancer:-
Step1. Create Load Balancer.
Type — Public
SKU — Standard
Availability zone — Zone Redundant
Location — South-East Asia
Step2. Create a Virtual Network.
Step3. Create Network Security Group (NSG).
— go to resources
— In NSG, Add two Inbound Security
Rule — +Add
Destination — Port 80, 3389
—> Add another Inbound Security for RDP.
Step4. Create 3 VM’s in different-2 Zone
e.g. AZ —1, 2,3.
— NIC — NSG — Advance myng.
— Boot Diagnostics —off.
— go to each VM’s and take RDP for all & connect
— Go to Server Manager
— Install Webserver (IIS) and come to VM Desktop.
— Go inside C:\ Drive — inetpub —>wwwroot —> index.html
(put some data inside index.html files in all VM’s)
Step5. Go to LB —> Backend pool
—> +Add, fill the required details.
—> Health probe —> Protocol —> HTTP —> Save
—> internal — 5.
—> unhealthy threshold — 2 Sec.
—> Load balancing rule — +Add — fill required details.
Step6. Go to LB and copy ip and hit in the browser and wait for 4 minutes hit again and see the details across multiple servers.
Short Notes for above:-
- Create V-Net East-Asia.
- Create Load Balancer.
- Create Network Security Group, —— +Add inbound security rule, — Service tag, —>internet, —> Destination PR — 80, — Protocol — TCP, — Priority — 100.
- +Add 2nd inbound security rule, —— Service tag, internet, DPR — 3389, Protocol — TCP, Priority — 200, Name — , Add.
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