VPC Network in GCP

  VPC Network

VPC Network

Google Cloud VPC Network: 

Google Cloud Networking l Google Cloud VPC Basics:-

— VPC Network is just like your Physical Network except that it is Virtualised within Google Cloud.

 A VPC Network is a global resource that Consists of a list of Regional Virtual Subnetworks in Data Centres, all connected by a global Wide Area Network.

A VPC Network provides:-

  1. Provides connectivity for your VM, including GKE and app Engine instances.
  2. Offers Native Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing.
  3. Connects to on-premises network using Cloud VPN Tunnels and Cloud Interconnect attachments.
  4. Distributes traffic from Google Cloud external Load Balances to Backends.
  5. VPC always lies inside a Project, One project can Contain multiple VPC Network.
  6. New Project start with a default VPC that has one subnet in each Region. 


VPC Networks has following properties:- 

 VPC Networks, including their associated routes and firewalls rules are global resources. They are not associated with any particular region or zone.

— Subnets are regional resources. Each Subnet is associated with a region. You can create more than One Subnet per region.

 Each Subnet is having unique network range inside a Project.

 Inside and Outside traffic can be Controlled by firewall rules.

 Resources within a VPC, can communicate with one another by using IPv4 and IPv6 address.

 An Organisation can use shared VPC to keep a VPC network in a Common host Project.

 VPC networks can be Connected to Other VPC networks in different Projects or Organisations by using VPC Network Peering.

 VPC Network do not support Broadcast or Multicast address within the Network.

 Auto Mode VPC networks create Subnets in each region automatically.

 You Cannot Connect directly Auto Mode VPC Network to one another because they uses Same ranges

Creating Automatic Mode VPC using Console & Cloud-shell:-

Step1.  Login to GCP Console:

— VPC Network

— Name                                 — my-auto-vpc

— VPC ULA IPv6                 — Disabled

— Subnets                              — Automatic

IPv4 Firewall Rules              — Allow TCP: 22

Dynamic Routing Mode       — Regional 

MTU                                     — 1460/1500/8896

— Create. 

Step2.  Go to Compute Engine:

— Create two VM’s in different regions        (for example US-Central1 & Asia-southeast-1)

Step3.  Do As Below:

— Take SSH of both VM’s and ping each other with their Private IP.

Creating Automatic Mode VPC using Cloud-shell:-

— Here we’ll get command during creation of Automatic VPC via Console

— Just copy and change name accordingly and run it.

🙏 thanks

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