Traffic Manager Profile

*Traffic Manager Profile:

Azure Traffic Manager Profile

  • Azure Traffic Manager is a DNS-Based traffic  Load Balancer that enables you to service across Global Azure Regions.


  1. Increase application availability.
  2. Improve application performance, traffic manager improves applications responsiveness by directing to the endpoint with the lowest network latency for the client.
  3. Perform Service Maintenance without downtime.
  4. Traffic Manager works at DNS Level.

Traffic Manager Routed Method:-

(How to Rout Network traffic to the various service endpoint)

  1. Priority:- Use a primary service endpoint for all traffic, and provide backup in case the primary or the backup endpoint are unavailable.

  1. Weighted:- The weight is on integer from 1 to 1000. The higher, the weight, the higher the priority.

  1. Performance:- Closest endpoint in terms of the lowest network latency. The Closest Endpoint is not necessarily closest as measured by Geographic distance. Traffic Manager maintain an internet latency Table to track the Round Tripe Time between ip address ranges and each. Data Centre.

  1. Geographic:- Based on which geographic location their DNS Quory Originates from.

  1. Multivalves:- The multivalves traffic routing method allow you to get multiples healthy endpoint in a single DNS Quory Response.


  1. Subnets:- Select subnet traffic Routing methods to map sets of end-user ip address ranges to a specific endpoint within a traffic manager profile.

Route Traffic on the Basis of Priority in traffic Manager Profile:-

  1. Create two Web App in two different location.
  2. Create a traffic  manager profile.

— Routing Method

— Priority 

  1. Create Endpoint inside Traffic manager 

— Target resource       —> app service 

— priority  — 1               — Ok

Now create one more Endpoints 

— for Failover

— priority  — 2

  1. Go to traffic manager 

— Overview 

— DNS Name

— Copy

  1. Open browser and paste DNS Name in the URL place.

  1. Go to Endpoint and disable the primary endpoints.

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