Content Delivery Network or CDN

*Content Delivery Network [CDN]:

What is a CDN example?

The following is an example of a typical CDN caching process: A web server in Chicago hosts static web content that a website visitor located in Washington, D.C., requests. Once the origin server in Chicago receives the request, it sends a response to the website visitor.

A content delivery network (CDN) is a geographically distributed group of servers that caches content close to end users. A CDN allows for the quick transfer of assets needed for loading Internet content, including HTML pages, JavaScript files, stylesheets, images, and videos.

What is CDN and how it works?

A CDN is a network of servers that distributes content from an “origin” server throughout the world by caching content close to where each end user is accessing the internet via a web-enabled device. The content they request is first stored on the origin server and is then replicated and stored elsewhere as needed.

Content Delivery Network

  1. CDN Endpoint are globally distributed.
  2. Data from azure storage is cached at each CDN Endpoints.
  3. User access data from their closest CDN endpoint minimise latency.
  4. If data is not available AT A CDN endpoint, azure retrieve it from the Origin and cache it at the CDN endpoints. 
  5. Azure can only Cache publicly available Blobs in CDN endpoints.
  6. Allow or Restrict azure CDN content for some countries.

CDN Labs:-

Step1. Storage Accounts.

— Create storage accounts.

— RG                        — RG-CDN

— CDN-Storage     — Location

— Standard             — Create.

Step2. Go to CDN-Storage and click on it.

— Blobs

— +Container

— Name                      — cdn-container

— Container (anonymous read access)

— Ok (Click on container)

— Upload files           — Upload.

Step3. Go to All Service

— CDN profiles 

— + add                — cdnp-1

                               — RG-CDN

                               — Standard 

                               — MS

— Create. 

Step4Now Go to Endpoint-

— Name             — cdn-endpoint-1

— Original type   — storage

— host                  —

— path                  — or file name.

— +Add

— Click on cdn-endpoint-1

— Copy Origin hostname and paste on browser.



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