Linux root Directories:
Linux File Systems:
bin boot dev etc home lib lib32 lib64 libx32 lost+found media mnt opt proc root run sbin snap srv sys tmp usr var
/bin: Essential binary files and commands required for system boot and recovery.
/boot: Boot loader files, kernel images, and configuration for booting the system.
/dev: Device files representing hardware devices or pseudo-devices.
/etc: System-wide configuration files and scripts.
/home: Home directories for user accounts.
/lib, /lib32, /lib64, /libx32: Libraries required for running programs.
/lost+found: A directory where orphaned files go after a file system check.
/media: Mount points for removable media like USB drives and CDs.
/mnt: Mount points for temporarily mounted file systems.
/opt: Optional software packages and their associated files.
/proc: Virtual file system providing information about running processes.
/root: Home directory for the root user.
/run: System runtime data, including PID files and sockets.
/sbin: System binaries, usually used for system maintenance tasks.
/snap: Snap packages, a package format for application distribution.
/srv: Data for services provided by the system.
/sys: Virtual file system exposing kernel and hardware information.
/tmp: Temporary files and directories for system and user applications.
/usr: Secondary hierarchy containing user binaries, libraries, and data.
/var: Variable data, such as logs, spool files, and temporary data.
These directories collectively organize the file system in Linux, helping to maintain a structured and organized environment for system files and user data.
Linux Basic Commands:
3. Shell
how do you print a particular line number using awk.
push a process in background mode
Navigation: Linux Commands
Basic Commands:
- pwd: Print the current working directory.
- ls: List files and directories in the current directory.
- ls -l: List in long format (with details).
- ls -a: List hidden files.
- cd Change directory.
- cd : Move up one directory.
- cd. Move to the home directory.
- cd / Move to the root directory.
File and Directory Operations:
- mkdir Create a new directory.
- rmdir Remove an empty directory.
- touch Create an empty file.
- rm Remove a file.
- rm -r Remove a directory and its contents (use with caution).
- rm -rf Remove a files directories and its contents forcefully.
- cp Copy files or directories.
- mv Move or rename files or directories.
Viewing and Editing Files or File and Text Manipulation:
- cat Display the contents of a file.
- more View a file one screen at a time.
- less. View a file one screen at a time.
- head Display the first few lines of a file.
- tail Display the last few lines of a file.
- nan, vim Text editors.
- vim Open a text editor to edit a file.
- grep Search text using patterns.
- find Search for files and directories.
- wc Count words, lines, or characters in a file.
- To save changes in vim, press Esc and :wq
Redirection and Pipes:
- >, >>. Redirect output to a file.
- < Read input from a file.
- | Pipe output of one command as input to another.
Process Management:
- ps: List currently running processes.
- ps -ef List processes.
- ps aux List all processes in detailed format.
- kill. Terminate processes.
- kill [p_id] Terminate a process by its ID.
- killall [process_name]: Terminate all processes with a given name.
- top Monitor system processes in real-time.
- htop Monitor system processes in real-time.
- jobs, fg/bg Manage background processes.
File System Information:
- uname -a: Display system information.
- df -h: Show disk space usage.
- free -m: Display memory usage.
- df Disk space usage.
- du Disk space usage.
- free, top. Memory usage.
- lscpu CPU information.
- nproc CPU information.
- lsblk List block devices and manage disk partitions.
- fdisk: List block devices and manage disk partitions.
- mount Mount file systems.
- umount Unmount file systems.
- df and du Disk space usage and folder size.
Users and File Permissions:
- who: Show who is logged in.
- whoami Display the current user.
- useradd Create a new user.
- userdel: Delete users.
- passwd Change a user's password.
- chmod Change file permissions.
- chown Change file ownership.
- sudo, su. Execute commands with superuser privileges.
Package Management (Ubuntu/Debian):
- sudo apt update: Update package lists.
- sudo apt upgrade: Upgrade installed packages.
- sudo apt install Install a package.
- sudo apt remove Remove a package.
- dpkg -i [package.deb]: Install a .deb package.
- apt-get and yum Install, update, and remove packages.
- apt (Debian/Ubuntu), yum (Red Hat/CentOS): Package management.
- dpkg (Debian/Ubuntu), rpm (Red Hat/CentOS): Package management at a lower level.
- ifconfig, ip Show network interfaces and their Network configuration.
- ping Send ICMP echo requests to a host.
- traceroute Network troubleshooting.
- netstat Display Network Connections and Routing tables.
- ss, lsof Network and socket information.
- ssh Secure shell and secure copy for remote connections and file transfer.
- scp Secure shell and secure copy for remote connections and file transfer.
- nproc To check the number of vCPU Core.
Archives and Compression:
- tar -czvf Create a compressed tarball.
- tar -xzvf Extract files from a tarball.
- zip Create a ZIP archive.
- unzip Extract files from a ZIP archive.
- tar Archive and compression utility.
- gzip Compress files with Gzip.
- gunzip Decompress files with Gzip.
Remember to use man [command] to access the manual pages and learn more about each command's options and usage. Linux offers a vast array of commands and utilities, so this cheatsheet covers only the basics.
System Startup and Services:
- systemctl. Manage system services.
- service (SysVinit): Control system services (older systems).
- chkconfig Configure system services (older systems), (Red Hat/CentOS).
- date Display or set the system date.
- time Display the system time.
- history Command history.
- alias Create shortcuts for commands.
Shell Scripting:
- #!/bin/bash: Shebang line in shell scripts.
- Variables, conditionals, loops, and functions in shell scripts.
- chmod +x Make a script executable.
Linux Process Management with nohup, nice, bg, fg, jobs, kill Commands
$ jobs Will show active jobs.
$ bg Resume jobs to the background.
$ fg Resume jobs to the foreground.
$ nice nice -n -10 process
$ nohup It will run the tasks or jobs even after closed terminal
$ fg %job_id Resume a specific jobs
$ bg %job_id Resume a specific jobs
nice value Niceness scale goes from -20 to 19. The lower the no. more priority that task gets.
Process priority = nice
$ nice - 10 process
$ Distros/
$ ctrl + Z
$ ps -ef | grep echo
$ ps -l pid To check the nice value
$ kill -9 pid
$ ps -ef | grep echo
$ jobs
$ nice -n -10 /Distros/
$ Ctrl + Z
$ ps -ef | grep echo
$ ps -l pid Now again see the nice value is been changed from 0 to -10.
Open two terminal parallels:
$ nohup
Once you close the terminal jobs get closed automatically that’s why using which we can continue after terminal get closed.
$ nohup ./ &
$ ps -ef | grep echo
Now close the terminal and open again you will see the jobs are still running
$ ls -ltr nohup.out
$ less nohup.out. See the logs or your task output.
pwd — To check Present working directory
cd — To change working directory
ls — long list to see the files and directories.
ls -l — long list to see the all files and directory details.
ls | nl — To check the files with number of lines.
cat > filename — to create file with data.
ctrl +D — Exit from file
сp — To copy the file on directory
mv — to move files or directories and "rename also"
mkdir — to create directories.
mkdir -p — to create multiple parent directories.
rmdir — to remove empty directory
reset — reset search history
rm -r — To delete only directory
rm -rf — to remove file or directory forcefully.
touch — to create single on multiple empty files
rm -f — remove file without warning.
rm -i file — Before deleting the file it will ask your permission.
rm -f file — Delete forcefully.
rm -r file — Delete file & directory recursively.
mkdir -m <dir_name — To create directory with full permissions.
find . - name < filename> — To find the file whether it is present or not.
find . -name dep*.log — Find the files present in directory.
find . -name “*.log" — To find all files ending with .log
grep "Error" build.log — To find the String in file.
grep - i "Error" build.log — To see the all string which is starting from small or capital
grep - in "error" ‹filename› — To see the string in line number.
man grep — To check more commands of grep.
grep error -in build.log — to see string with line no.
grep error - A2 - in < file name» — To see the 2 lines after string error.
grep error - A2 - B2 - in < filename> — to see the 2 lines before 4 after string.
grep error -inc ‹filenames — To see the count of string or files.
sudo su — switch user do as root user.
sudo su raghunath — to be an admin.
apt-get install git
apt-get update -y
lsb-release - a — To cheek linux details.
sudo apt -get install tree - y
yum install or update — date (for CentoS, RHEL)
/ — slash means root directory
su root — switch user as root
df . — it will show the current directory space in kb
df -h . — To see overall disk space in GB
df -h — To see the space of all file & directory
du <filenames> — To see file uses details
du -h < filename> — To see the space details in MB, single file or directory
du -sh <dir-name> — see the details in MB
vim /etc/sudoers — to change permission
:q! — Exit forcefully
head <> — To see top 10 lines if contents
head - 5 <filename> — To see top 5 lines
tail <filename> — To see bottom 10 lines file contents
tail - 2 <> — see last 2 lines
head - 10 <filename> | tail - 2 < filename> To see top 10 and last 2 lines of file contents.
cat < filename> —To see file content
cat -n <> — To see content in lines
cat >> filename — To add content in same files
cat -n < filename> | grep error — To see the string in line number.
cat file1 file2 > file.txt — To store or merge file1 file2’s data in file.txt
cat logs.yaml | grep -i hostname — To check the exact words in files
cat logs.yaml | grep -i "hostname:" — To check the exact words in files
grep -iv error <filename> — To see file contents without string like inverts
egrep -i "Error | Exception" < filename> — To see the multiple strings.
egrep "error | Error" <filename> — To see the multiple strings.
grep - iw " Error Exception" < filename› — to see exact matching word or string
cat build.log | grep -i error | grep exception — to see both string together in all lines
clear — clear the screen
diff <filename> < filename2> — To cheek the diff. b/w two files
vimdiff <filename> < filename2> — To see the file contents in two different windows
ctrl + ww — to jump another window
diff -c
diff -u
diff -i
tar -xvf <filename> — to extract the tar file
tar -cvf filename.tar <filename> — to create tar file
ls -l
ls -a
ls -al
ls -latr
chmod 777 build.log — To change file permission.
sudo chown sally <filename> — It will change file ownership.
chown Raghu:Raghu build.log — To change the file ownership.
sudo chown A:A build.log — To change the file ownership with group.
mkdir . — To create hidden directory.
touch . — To create hidden empty file.
rm -rf * — To remove everything in current directory.
ps -ef | grep firefox — To see Firefox process and it’s details.
jobs — To check the process which is running in background mode.
ps -ef — In Linux, ps -ef is a command that displays information about running processes on the system.
kill 2124 — To stop forcefully.
kill -9 2124 — it will kill the process forcefully.
— it is a script which will run for 30 minutes, if wants to stop then press ctrl + c.
sleep 100 & — To run script in background.
fg1 — To see background mode.
sleep 1000 &
fg3 — To bring it back.
ctrl c or x — Exit from it.
ping — To check the mission which is working in Linux.
wget <url> — To downloads.
wget -P /home/user/directory <url> — To download in a particular directory.
ssh — To connect mission with ip address.
uname -a — To check user_name with linux details.
hostname —
top — To see the Memory and CPU Utilization.
man —help — To see more commands related man.
echo hello
zip <file_name> — To zip a file.
uzip <file_name>
vim /etc/hosts — To copy ip address and paste as another hosts
:q! — Exit forcefully without any changes.
vim /etc/hostname — To give another name then logout & login again.
echo $SHELL — To see /bin/bash.
a = 10
echo $ a
sudo useradd -md /home/Raghu -s /bin/bash Raghu
id raghu
sudo passwd Raghu
sudo userdel Raghu
vim /etc/sudoers — To add permissions.
$$$$ Search vimcheatsheet, gitcheatsheet, mavencheatsheet.
vim.vimrc — To set numbers.
vim - O <filename> <filename2>
— it will open on two terminal with same screen.
evince filename.pdf — To open pdf files in linux terminal.
cd .. — Back to previous directory.
ls -lt — shorted last modified time.
ls -ltr — To see reverse output.
ls -R — Lists all the files in the subdirectories.
ls -lh — Show the file size such as MB, GB, TB.
tac file.txt — see the data in reverse order.
seq 10 — To print number from 1 to 10.
ls /etc/init.d — it will bring up a list of currently running services.
sudo systemctl restart <service_name>
— To restart running & stopped services.
cp build.txt pom.txt
— To copy data from build.txt to pom.txt but the data is presented in pom.txt will be replaced from file.txt.
touch /home/Raghunath/Documents/web.xml — Create file inside particular directory.
sudo apt-get install locate
locate -i <string_name> — Locate string name using locate command.
grep -in “yes” hello.txt — To check file that contain “Yes” words.
apt list —upgradable — To check upgraded packages.
stat <filename> — To see time stamp like access time and modify time.
$ touch -a <file_name> — To change access time.
$ touch -m <file_name> — To change modify time.
$ nano file1 — To create file and write data into it.
$ crtl + X, Y — Exit from nano and save with $Y.
$ hostname -i — Check ip address with machine details.
$ cat /etc/os-release
$ chmod u=r, g=rwx, o=x file_name
$ chmod 777 <dir_name-file_name>
$ chmod u+w, g-w, o+r
$ chgrp <g-name> <new-g_name> — To change group name.
$ cd ~ — come to home directory directly.
$ sudo !! — it will run previous command with sudo.
$ history
$ ! 220 — it will execute command automatically.
Thanks 🙏
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