Create alert and Budget for Azure Project:
Step1. Go to Azure portal.
— Cost Management + Billing.
— Cost Management.
Step2. Under Cost Management.
— Select Budgets.
— Add
—> Budget Details:-
Name — Azure-budget
Reset period — Monthly
Creation date — 1-1-23
Expiration date — 1-1-26
—> Budget Details:- Give your budget amount threshold
Amount($) —10000.
Step3. Set/Create Cost Alert .
—> Alert Conditions:-
% of Budget Amount Action group Action group type
—> Alert recipient’s (email):-
—> Languages — Default
— Create.
Step4. Analysis Budget.
—> Click on Azure-budget (See the budget details here).
—> Analyse Costs Alerts and Emails:-
—> Go to Cost alerts — click on it and see the details of alerts.
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