Ansible interview questions and answers for DevOps Engineer | Ansible interview questions and answers


Ansible interview questions and answers for DevOps Engineer | Ansible interview questions and answers

Ansible interview questions and answers for DevOps Engineer

Ansible interview questions and answers for DevOps Engineer

1.What is Ansible?

Answer: Ansible is an open-source automation tool that allows you to manage and configure systems, deploy applications, and orchestrate complex IT tasks. It uses a declarative language called YAML to define configurations and tasks.


2.What is a playbook in Ansible?

Answer: A playbook in Ansible is a file written in YAML format that defines a set of tasks to be executed on remote systems. It describes the desired state of the system and Ansible takes care of bringing the system into that state.


3.How do you install Ansible on a control node?

Answer: Ansible can be installed on a control node using package managers like apt (for Ubuntu), yum (for CentOS), or pip (Python package manager). For example, on Ubuntu, you can use sudo apt install ansible to install it.


4.What is an inventory file in Ansible?

Answer: An inventory file in Ansible is a configuration file that lists the hosts or groups of hosts that Ansible can manage. It defines the target systems on which Ansible will run tasks and can also include variables specific to each host or group.


5.How do you run an Ansible playbook?

Answer: You can run an Ansible playbook using the ansible-playbook command followed by the playbook filename. For example, ansible-playbook myplaybook.yml.


6.What is the purpose of Ansible roles?

Answer: Ansible roles are a way to organize and structure playbooks. They allow you to group related tasks, variables, and files into reusable components, making playbooks more modular and easier to manage.


7.How do you handle errors in Ansible?

Answer: Ansible provides a mechanism called "failed_when" that allows you to handle errors and failures in tasks. By using conditional statements, you can define specific conditions under which a task is considered failed.


8.What are Ansible facts?

Answer: Ansible facts are variables that contain information about the target system. They include details such as the hostname, IP address, operating system, and hardware specifications. Facts can be accessed and used in Ansible playbooks.


9.How do you encrypt sensitive data in Ansible playbooks?

Answer: Ansible provides a feature called "Ansible Vault" for encrypting sensitive data. It allows you to encrypt and decrypt variables, files, or even entire playbooks using a password or encryption key.


10.How do you run ad hoc commands in Ansible?

Answer: Ad hoc commands in Ansible allow you to run simple tasks or execute commands on remote systems without the need for a playbook. You can use the ansible command followed by the target hosts and the desired module.


11.What is the difference between Ansible and Ansible Tower?

Answer: Ansible is the open-source automation tool, while Ansible Tower is a web-based interface and management tool that provides additional features like a dashboard, role-based access control, job scheduling, and REST API.


12.How do you configure a host-specific task in Ansible?

Answer: In Ansible, you can use conditional statements based on host variables or facts to configure host-specific tasks. By checking the values of specific variables, you can define tasks that are only executed on specific hosts.


13.What is the purpose of Ansible Galaxy?

Answer: Ansible Galaxy is a platform for sharing and discovering reusable Ansible roles. It provides a repository of pre-written roles that can be easily integrated into your own playbooks.


14.How do you manage secrets and sensitive data in Ansible?

Answer: Ansible provides various mechanisms for managing secrets and sensitive data, such as using Ansible Vault, external credential storage systems, or external key management solutions like HashiCorp Vault or CyberArk.



15.How do you handle different environments (e.g., development, staging, production) in Ansible?

Answer: Ansible allows you to define different inventory files for each environment. You can then use conditionals and variables in your playbooks to apply environment-specific configurations and tasks.


16.What is idempotence in Ansible?

Answer: Idempotence in Ansible means that running a playbook multiple times should result in the same state. Ansible achieves idempotence by checking the current state of the system against the desired state and only making necessary changes.


17.What is the difference between handlers and tasks in Ansible?

Answer: Tasks in Ansible define the actions to be performed on the target systems, while handlers are special tasks that are only run when explicitly called by another task. Handlers are typically used to restart services or trigger specific actions.


18.How do you perform rolling updates or rolling restarts using Ansible?

Answer: Rolling updates or rolling restarts in Ansible can be achieved by using the serial keyword in a playbook. It allows you to define the number of hosts that should be updated or restarted at a time.


19.What is the purpose of Ansible facts cache?

Answer: Ansible facts cache is a feature that allows you to store system facts on the control node. It helps to speed up subsequent Ansible runs by avoiding the need to gather facts again, especially in large environments.


20.How do you handle dependencies between tasks in Ansible?

Answer: Ansible allows you to define task dependencies using the notify and listen directives. By specifying which tasks should notify or listen to specific handlers, you can control the order in which tasks are executed.

Ansible interview questions and answers for DevOps Engineer

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