Best 60 Motivational Quotes in English

Best 60 Motivational Quotes in English 

Best 60 Motivational Quotes in English


One of the best lessons learned in life never search your happiness in others, it will make you feel alone. Search your happiness in yourself and then you will feel happy even when you are left alone.


The best help that you can do to yourself is to forgive everyone who has hurt you. It may seems like wrong to you But remember When you forgive someone You forgive them for you. So you can let go free your heart and move on with your life journey.



Suppose You are driving a vehicle And suddenly, You hit a bump on the road. Do you quit driving No we just continue our journey remember, Sometimes Life is also like a bumpy road. Just because your road is tough, Just because your life is tough, Do not give up being a good person. Forgive yourself Take some rest And start all over again.


Three rules for a happy life

1. Do not hate Because the life is too short To waste time on hatting others

2. Don't compare Don't try to be someone else Try to be the best version of Yourself.

3. Don't worry remember The day you stop worrying will be the first day of your New Life


Be a person who helps and encourages people, Do you know why? Because this World Has plenty of critics already.


Be a reflection of what you'd like to receive, If you Want Love Give Love. If you want truth Be Truthful, If you want Respect Be Respectful. And always remember, What you give out Will always Return to you.


Listen, anybody can lose their temper and be angry. But it takes a special person to Be kind  and to Be patient. Anybody can lie, but it takes a special person, To live a truthful life. Anybody can give up Being a good person. But it takes a special person to not to Give up Being a good person. So try hard to be that person You.


So Don't be negative, always thinks Think I'M not going to Be perfect. Right? I cannot be Perfect But I can Be the best version of Myself. I can do my best, I must do my best and Be Positive and go for it and take risks. Without taking risks, We cannot Be Successful in our Lives. So Practice these things, Be more Mindful Right? Be Kind to Yourself. And always think that if I Overthink If I constantly worry about Myself it will kill the Peacefulness of My Life.


Life is a journey of happiness and Sadness. Not every day is happy, Not every day is sad. So when it is sad Just be patient. Because Good days are just Ahead.


When you do good People will criticize you. it's ok. It's just a common experience, The Buddha said there is no one in this World. Who has not been criticized therefore, Learn to smile Forgive and walk away. But do not let Anyone to stop the good work that you are doing.


Remember Everyone that you meet Today is Fighting a Battle You know Nothing about. Therefore always we need to Be kind to Everyone.


To be kind is more important than to be Right. Because we do not need an Intelligent mind that always speaks. But sometimes we all need a Patient heart that always listens.


In life in some instances we regret about the things that we have done in the past Right. We think that why shouldn't have done this things, If I didn't do this things my future and present will be much better than Now.

Like that we regret about the things that we have done, Our great teachers Lord Buddha laugh us. A way all the facts that you should develop within your life to build up a life without regrets. So this great advice was teaches by our great teachers Lord Buddha in alokas uttar. In thats uttar it says to build up a life without the regret you need to have 4 quality.


Listen stop expecting from others Because the more you expect the more you remain frustrated. It is not all about what's you get It's all about what you give to this World. So start giving but do not expects.


Being kind is very important but most importantly be kind to yourself. Because the truth practice of love and kindness start with self love and self kindness.


Three things in life to do no matter what.

1. Lie no one, no matter how hard your life become by telling the truth.

2. Hate no one, No matter how bad others treat you.

3. Give often, No matter how little you have with you.


Just a simple reminder If you have the chance to make people happy Just do it. Because sometimes People struggle silently may be your act of kindness can make their Day.


Before you say something mean to someone always think about how you'd feel. If someone told you the same thing.


Being happy doesn't mean Everything is perfect in your life. It means You've decided to see Beyond your Imperfections.


Remember Silence is not Imply, It's fill of answers. Once you get matured You will realize, The Silence is more Important. Than proving a point.


It's ok Everyone has bad days But don't give up Pause Rest Reset and Restart. Always pick yourself up and keep going, But never ever quit.


Three pieces of wisdom that can change your life

1. Make peace with your past So it won't disturb your present.

2. Don't compare yourself with others Comparison is the thief of joy.

3. The only person who is incharge of your happiness is you.


When you try to control everything you enjoy nothing. Sometimes You just have to Breath Relax And Let go and live in this moment.


Today's friendly reminder always end your day with a positive thought. No matter how hard today was and just Remember tomorrow is full of better possibilities.


One day you're going to be a memory for some people so do your best, to be a good one.


You discuss people You are a cheap mind. You discuss events You are an average mind. And you discuss ideas, You are a great mind.


If you wanna be happy in your life, Do everything with a good heart, and expect nothing in return And you'll never be disappointed in your life.


If you want to walk fast walk alone If you want to walk far walk together.


One thing you need to understand is in this business of life you have not come with any investment, You came empty handed, Right? So whatever is happening you're on the profit side. Hello? Only problem is you have lost the ability to enjoy the suspense.

You are a fixed match. So you go to your astrologer, you write a 'horror scope' and everything and say, "What will happen? What will happen?"

No, you should not know what will happen. Hello? If you are a joyful state, more unpredictability, more fun, isn't it so?

If you are miserable, even smallest suspense will freak the hell out of us. Yes or No?. The problem is just this, you lost your ability to enjoy the suspense.

Nothing wrong with life. Nothing wrong with business. "No Raghu , but market conditions have become like this. This is happening." That is suspense. Hello?


Behind every successful man there is a woman. Behind every unsuccessful man there are two women. But, behind every successful women is a progressive man. It's either her father, it's her brother, it's her husband. But he is always progressive.


3 things to remind yourself Every single day,

1. Not all storms come to destroy your life, Some come to clear your path.

2. Never be a prisoner of your past, It's just a Lesions Not life sentence.

3. Forgive people When you forgive, You become free, When you let go you will start to Grow.


You need to understand Trust does not mean somebody has to behave the way you expect them to behave, Trust means whatever they do, It's all right with you. If you come to such a state, otherwise don't use such a big word as trust, Trust means they must do, What you expect them to do.

This is a certain imprisonment your trust, Trust should empower people, Trust should not limit people isn't it? So your idea of Trust is to hold them in the way you want them to be. Trust, Betrayal, This, That, Works Don't get into all this Nonsense, Just use your sense.


See, You are anger, is the punishment you give it to yourself, For someone Else's mistake, Every time you are angry, It only Indicates, You are punishing Yourself. Because, Someone did a mistake. Today this person did a mistake, You are angry tomorrow that person will do a mistake, You will be angry.

Next day, a third person will do some mistake. And people keep doing Blunders, and every time you're getting angry, Who is at loss? You are. I mean, It takes a big toll, on your own Nervous system Isn't it? So how to save your mind? How to save your nervous system? Let GO. Know that It's Ignorant people, They are doing that.


Even if you put through the most horrible situations either you can come out using that experience as a better human being or you can use the experience to become a horrible mess. So, whenever something hurts you there are two options, you can either become wounded or you can become wise. This is the choice. The more things hurts you early on in your life the wiser you should have become Isn't it? But unfortunately most people become wounded.


You get angry, anger doesn't happen to you, you get angry. you like it? You don't like it, then why do you do it? See, around us so many people will do so many things that we don't like. yes or No? But at least within you, only what you want should happen within this, Isn't it? hmm

I cannot decide that only what I want should happen with you, but I can definitely decide only what I want must happen within me, Isn't? If you could decide only what you want should happen within you, would you choose anger or joy?


Yes every day in the morning you get up and you don't know what to do, It's perfect way to get up this does not mean that you will do different things every day. Even if you do the same thing it's by choice, then it keeps you alive to every thing that you are doing, because you are doing it by choice.

The choice it you making is now, you might a made the same choice 10,000 times in the last 10 years, It doesn't matters but now you're once again making an active choice this is very important. Only than you will stay alive to life another wise I made my choice it will become a burden.


The only and only reason why you are unhappy is life is not happening, the way you think it should happen that's all it is. So if life is not happening the way you think it should happen you are unhappy, if life happens the way you think it should happen you are happy it's as simple as that. 

So if life has to happen the way you think it should happen, first of all how you think with how much focus you think, how much stability is there in your thought. And how much reverberance is there in the thought process will determine whether your thought will become a reality or is it just an empty thought.


One thing that you have to realize is no matter how good you are to people there will always be someone who is not happy with you. So do not do good to impress others instead do it do impress yourself, and then you will never regret of being a good person.


Three things about being a good person.

1. Be a good person to make yourself happy not Others.

2. Being a good person, Doesn't mean that always good things will happen to you, but one day what you did will come back to you.

3. When you be good You don't lose people, but people lose you.


Happiness and sadness entirely depends on how you look at your life Instead of focusing on the pain Let's focus on the lesson that we can learn from our pain.


The formula to be sweet is simple. You need there factories in your life an ice factory in your head, Keep your head cool even if you are angry, a sugar factory on your tongue. Appreciate others, speak well what's the harm? And a love factory in you heart. Love others and life gives you the fourth factory it becomes Satisfactory, You know.


Sometimes the problem is not the problem, The problem is the incredible amount of Overthinking that you're doing with the problem Let it Go And be free.


No matter how cool Talented, Educated or Rich you think you are how you treat people tells everything about you Always remember Integrity is everything.


You know what, every Lock comes with a key and every Problem with a Solution. Some of your problems can actually be solved. And some of your problems literally cannot be solved, it can be solved by becoming Stronger to face them. That's the key you know.


Listen Nobody is Perfect we make mistakes we say wrong things we do wrong things we fall we get up, And we move on and just remember that is what life is.


In any relationship, there's no question of depth, there's no question of meaning, Anybody can easy say I Love You, you love me and all that stuff, When things are going good. It doesn't take much to say I love you, and hangout with people when things are going good. What does it takes? Does it take anything to hangout with whomever you connect to when things are going good? 

It doesn't take anything, It doesn't take any effort, What takes effort and hard work is when things are not going good. And there are problems, mistakes. Sometimes, big ones, sometimes, small ones, And we all make them, mistakes happen, Sometimes, the mistakes are small, sometimes, the mistakes are big, We have to let go and keep going.


3 of the best way to start the New Year,

1. Start with Gratefulness, be thankful to everyone who helped you on your life journey.

2. Start with Kindness, put a smile on some ones face by being Kind to them and make their day wonderful.

3. Start with forgiveness, forgive your enemies, Don't hold on to anger it kills you, not others.


I often say Make - Up & Wisdom both are exactly the same. Both change us only when we apply them, Like when we apply make up, it changes our look. And when we apply wisdom, it changes our life.


Keep that Amazing kindness in your heart forever, help people smile often and don't let someone's bad behavior, To ruin your inner peace, Because this whole World needs more good people like you..


Always make sure to surround yourself with positive people stay with people who supports you, Even in the hard times of your Life, Just remember the people who we associate is a big part of who we are.


Do you know the best part about the life? Every single morning you have a new opportunity, To become a better version of yourself,


If you truly love someone and really care for them help them to become a better person, But before that help yourself to become a better person, Because you should love yourself before loving others.


What will others say? What will others think? You know what, If we also start thinking about what others are Thinking about us, What will be. Left for them to think? Which is why they say, What will people say about me, is an illness


"People who are spiritually minded tend to suffer from anxiety and depression more, You know why?Because their eyes are open to a world that is in need of repair. They literally have an increased ability to feel the emotions of people around them." 


Six rules for real men

1. Never beg a women for love a relationship with one sided love is a recipe for disaster.

2. Neve date a high maintenance woman they are never in search for love their sole interest is always men who can maintain them.

3. A woman will test and disrespect you at all levels if you tolerate it never disrespect a woman and never tolerate disrespect from a her simple.

4. Never beg a woman to stay who wants to leave you, except you have reached a resolve that you want to become a slave

5. Never ever consider taking back a woman if she left you for another man, she is coming back to finish the kill take her back if you have offered yourself up for destruction.

6. Never show your weakness to a woman.


God's plan will never destroy you, maybe you keep on experiencing painful situations, maybe you tired to question him for his ways, And you think that god already abandoned you, But His plans are greater than what you have in mind, And he desires for wonderful things to happen in your life,

It maybe hard to believe this Because what you see are the struggles and challenges, But the truth is, He is preparing you, So that you will be able to properly steward his blessings, wait and don't easily conclude about your situations.


Every relationship is built on the Foundation of Trust, And trust is one of those love languages and therefore, If you cannot offer that trust, That person will always feel unloved.


This is yours, You're the Captain, You're the master, You're the foreman, You're the General, You're the head. Don't give control of this to nobody especially the devil, do not let Satan come in here and function and operate,

Because he has one mission to keep you off course to make you not think it's possible, To make you think that God don't hear you, His job is only to destroy you to make sure that You don't become what God intended for you to become, That's the mission of the devil.


Don't waste your words on people who deserves your silence. Sometimes the most powerful things that you can do is to say nothing at all.


The top 3 safest investment$$

1. Investing in your health, If you don't have your heath you don't have anything, Having a good diet, Exercise all those thing you need To stay Healthy in Life, So you can do more in Life,

Really important So health is Definitely No.1 for me.

2. Education, If you're Learning, If you're Reading, If you're constantly investing in Knowledge, Knowledge is power, So make sure you get educated. because the more you Learn The more you Earn$, Your income will go up if you know more.

3. Real Estate, You need to invest in Real Estate If you're got Real Estate, It's a hard asset People are always going to need somewhere to live, Things like Crypto Currency, BitCoin,

Even the Stock Market that can always go down to 0, It's not a Tangible hard Asset Like Real Estate is So with Real Estate It's always going to keep going up in value,

Because you can Actually Physically see the Place & People need it to Live, So that's why Real Estate is the Safest Investment to have.





       ADVICE TO MEN -- (Men pay attention)

Whenever you feel overloaded with your wife issues rather than engaging in domestic violence please go the nearest,

-Biological Anxiety Relief                                 :----> BAR     and you are the following antidotes

-Wife Irritation Neutralizing Extraction             :----> WINE

-Refreshing Unique Medicine                             :---->  RUM

-Bothersome Estrange-wife Elimination Re-booter   :---->  BEER

-Wife High Infusion Suspicion Killing Energy Yeast   :---->   WHISKEY


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